Rail freight corridors

A map of Europe showing the rail freight corridors in different colours.
To accelerate the introduction of the European Railway Traffic Management System (ERTMS), freight corridors have been defined, aligned with existing and future flows of traffic.

The EU has defined a network of rail freight corridors. These will be prioritised for cross-border harmonisation of regulations (interoperability) and for modernisation (especially with the European Rail Traffic Management System ERTMS). Furthermore, the infrastructure managers are required to work closely with partners in neighbouring countries. This makes the rail freight corridors the driving force and backbone of an efficient European rail network for freight. 

Of particular importance for Switzerland are the Rhine‒Alpine corridor between Rotterdam and Genoa (via Lötschberg‒Simplon and Gotthard‒Ceneri) and the North Sea‒Mediterranean corridor between Antwerp and Lyon or Basel.

Freight corridors (PDF, 235 kB, 12.07.2023)Rhine - Alpine and North Sea - Mediterranean (graphic)
