Rolling stock

Rail operator Phase FOT
The operator must ensure that all current legal provisions are consistently observed. With rolling stock, this relates in particular to the provisions on the operation and maintenance of the locomotives, coaches and wagons concerned. Normative The FOT frequently revises the corresponding provisions in the light of the latest technological developments, and with due regard to any newly-identified risks.
The operator must present all the proof of safety required to certificate the deployment and operation of new rolling stock. The operator must also issue internal regulations to ensure that its rolling stock is serviced and maintained in accordance with the instructions of the original equipment manufacturer. Preventive The FOT certificates new rolling stock following due evaluation thereof, and also issues any operating licences required.
The operator is required to monitor and maintain the rolling stock it uses and keep documentary records of the work required. Should any malfunctions occur through the operation of its rolling stock, these must be constantly evaluated to ensure that any preventive actions required can be ordered in the corresponding provisions. Operating As part of its safety monitoring mandate, the FOT determines whether the operator's safety organisation is adequately able to implement the applicable provisions and ensure the safety of its public transport services.