
Rail operator Phase FOT
The operator must ensure that all current legal provisions are consistently observed. They must also constantly make any modifications required to their internal operating regulations in the light thereof, and ensure that their safety personnel are kept permanently abreast of the latest safety developments. Normative The FOT issues the Rail Operating Regulations (RARs)  applicable to all rail operators.
The operator uses the Rail Operating Regulations issued by the FOT to issue the internal operating regulations applicable to its own operations. Preventive The FOT approves any deviations from its Rail Operating Regulations requested by an individual rail operator.
The operator conducts its rail operations in compliance with the applicable provisions, and performs a series of internal audits and checks to verify such compliance. The operator also maintains documentary records of this work, and of any operating irregularities or malfunctions dete
As part of its safety monitoring mandate, the FOT determines whether the operator's safety organisation is adequately able to implement the applicable provisions and ensure the safety of its public transport services.