Submit projects

The Federal Office of Transport (FOT) supports projects financially that contribute to the goals of the ESPT 2050 programme. Every year in January and June, the FOT makes a call for project submissions.

The programme takes into account a wide range of project types:

  • Research and innovation projects
  • Pilot projects
  • Communication of good practice examples
  • Generating and disseminating knowledge
  • Innovative business models

In addition, the FOT has the option of specifying a thematic focus for the project submission.

To apply for a subsidy, applicants submit the "Expression of Interest" form, in which they present their project and its benefits for the ESPT 2050 programme. The document is available for download below.

The applications are then assessed by an independent group of experts. If the recommendation is positive, they are submitted to the Research and Innovation Committee, which makes the final decision on funding approval. If the project is approved, the applicants are asked to submit a detailed project plan, on the basis of which the FOT draws up the subsidy contract.

Applications must be submitted by 31 January (or 30 June).

Project procedure (PDF, 127 kB, 14.10.2016)This document is available in German and French only

Call for projects: Expression of interest
This document is available in German and French only

After signing the subsidy contract, the project holders submit a project description. This enables the most important information about the project to be made available to third parties right at the beginning of the project. Project descriptions and final reports can be accessed via the ARAMIS research database on the "Project results" page.

Template final report (DOCX, 51 kB, 14.10.2016)This document is available in German and French only.


Head of programme

Federal Office of Transport
Section Environment
CH-3003 Bern

Print contact